100% Pucara
7,650 hectares
The Pacaska gold-copper concession package is one of Pucara’s largest projects in Peru and represents the potential for a multi-million ounce deposit. This epithermal high-sulfidation gold/porphyry copper target sits on a 7,650 hectare concession package with a widespread mineralized footprint. Pucara is currently working on stakeholder engagement and obtaining the required permits to commence drilling program at Pacaska.
The geology of Pacaska is analogous to various world-class deposits. Pictured left are 5 g/t gold outcrops rock samples found within multi-stage vuggy silica breccias. This is the same type of mineralization found in deposits like the gold-silver Pierina Mine in Peru. Rock sampling at Pacaska has returned 17 g/t gold and 11% copper. In late 2019, Pucara completed an extensive shallow surface 300 line-km magnetometry and IP geophysical program. Pucara has also completed a soil sampling geochemistry program and detailed geological mapping. With these promising results to date, Pucara’s efforts are focused on advancing various drill-ready targets.
Learn more about the Pacaska gold-copper project and hear from Pucara Gold's management team regarding the company's plans for the upcoming year.